Results for 'Mīrzā Fath ʿAlī-ye Ākhūndzāde'

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  1. The critique of religion as political critique: Mīrzā Fatḥ ʿAlī Ākhūndzāda's pre-Islamic xenology.Rebecca Gould - 2016 - Intellectual History Review 26 (2):171-184.
    (Awarded the International Society for Intellectual History’s Charles Schmitt Prize) Mīrzā Fatḥ 'Alī Ākhūndzāda’s Letters from Prince Kamāl al-Dawla to the Prince Jalāl al-Dawla (1865) is often read as a Persian attempt to introduce European Enlightenment political thought to modern Iranian society. This essay frames Ākhūndzāda’s text within a broader intellectual tradition. I read Ākhūndzāda as a radical reformer whose intellectual ambition were shaped by prior Persian and Arabic endeavors to map the diversity of religious belief and to critically (...)
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  2. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡.āKhund-Zada Fath ʻalī - 1953 - Baku,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ SSR.
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  3. (1 other version)Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡.Fatḥ ʻAlī Ākhundʹzādah - 1962
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  4. Maktūbāt-i Kamāl al-Dawlah.Fatḥ ʻAlī Ākhundʹzādah - 1986 - Bākū: Nashrīyat-i ʻIlm.
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  5. European Thought in Nineteenth-Century Iran: David Hume and Others.Cyrus Masroori - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (4):657-674.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.4 (2000) 657-674 [Access article in PDF] European Thought in Nineteenth-Century Iran: David Hume and Others Cyrus Masroori European ideas have played a crucial part in the shaping of the modern Iranian intellectual climate, since Iranian intellectuals have been, one way or another, engaged with these ideas for at least a hundred and fifty years. This engagement has also influenced Iranian society in (...)
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    Epistemic enhancement, pastism, and fossil anomalies in paleontology and ichnology.Ali Mirza - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (1):1-27.
    This paper presents explication on how paleontologists reconstruct the past using fossils when _good_ modern analogues are not available. I call these _pastist_ methods to differentiate them from presentist methods in which such analogues are available. I do so by presenting two fossil cases: the problematica and graphoglyptids. I describe a forgotten heuristic, “analogue chaining,” that involves jumping from fossil anomaly to fossil anomaly using one to make sense of the other in successive fashion, using the relations _between fossils_ to (...)
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    Alexander Dalrymple, the Utility of Coral Reefs, and Charles Darwin’s Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs.Ali Mirza - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (4):827-864.
    This paper aims to establish the connection between the theoretical and practical aims of the Office of the Hydrographer of the British Admiralty and Charles Darwin’s (1809–1882) work on coral reefs from 1835 to 1842. I also emphasize the consistent zoological as well as geological reasoning contained in these texts. The Office’s influences have been previously overlooked, despite the Admiralty’s interest in using coral reefs as natural instruments. I elaborate on this by introducing the work of Alexander Dalrymple (1737–1808), the (...)
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    Takhayyul-i siyāsī dar zīst-i jahān-i Īrānī-i Islāmī: Political imagination in the Iranian-Islamic life world.Muḥammad ʻAlī Fatḥʹilāhī - 2021 - Tihrān: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī. Edited by Siavash Saffari.
    Imagination (Philosophy). ; Imagination -- Religious aspects -- Islam. ; Iran -- Politics and government.
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    Of Chimeras, Harmony, and Kintsugi: Towards a Historicist Epistemology of Paleontological Reconstruction, Theory-Change, and Exploring Heuristics.Ali Mirza - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (4):657-695.
    I analyze the epistemic strategies used by paleontologists (between 1830–1930) to reconstruct features of ancient organisms from fossilized bodies and footprints by presenting two heuristics: (1) a “claim of harmony” which posits the harmonious interaction of natural objects in order for complex systems to be simplified and (2) the “kintsugi heuristic” which is used inter-theoretically to explore new claims of harmony. I apply these to three successive historical cases: Georges Cuvier’s laws of correlation, the panpsychist paleontology of Edward Drinker Cope, (...)
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    Evaluating the Redistribution Policy and the Right to Social Welfare in Kant’s Philosophy.Hamidreza Saadat Niaki & Ali Fath Taheri - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (1):84-95.
    The notion of social welfare was created by the paradigm shift from duty‐based to right‐based morality, in which the satisfaction of human needs is a right in line with preserving human dignity. This paper investigates Kant’s view on social welfare in light of redistribution policy. Kant bases his political philosophy on external freedom. Notwithstanding the ethical principles of his philosophy, he is the first prominent thinker to clearly emphasize the necessity of a redistribution policy by the government toward providing for (...)
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  11. Understanding of guest behavioral intentions in peer-to-peer accommodation sector.Ye Ye, Laiba Ali, Foong Yee Wong, Siew Imm Ng & Xin-Jean Lim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents of guests’ behavioral intentions in Malaysia’s peer-to-peer accommodation industry. This study focused on the effects of physical and social environment on guest emotions, satisfaction, and subsequently on guest’s behavioral intentions towards P2P accommodation. The proposed research framework was developed based on Stimulus-Organism-Response model. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the proposed hypotheses. Data were collected from 476 foreign visitors who stayed at P2P accommodations in Malaysia using (...)
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    Firm governance structures, earnings management, and carbon emission disclosures in Chinese high‐polluting firms.Ali Abbas, Guoqing Zhang, Bilal & Ye Chengang - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1470-1489.
    This study examines the influence of firm governance structures (board size, independence, CEO duality, director share ownership, and board meeting frequency) in relation to carbon emission disclosures by high-polluting Chinses firms. In addition, the study further examined the moderating role of earnings management on this relationship. In line with stakeholder and agency theories, our study identified that the large and independent boards exercise and demonstrate a higher degree of carbon emission disclosures. However, CEO duality and director share ownership are associated (...)
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  13.  37
    Role of Responsible Leadership for Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment in Light of Psychological Ownership and Employee Environmental Commitment: A Moderated Mediation Model.Ali Abbas, Ye Chengang, Sufan Zhuo, Bilal, Shahid Manzoor, Irfan Ullah & Yasir Hayat Mughal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:756570.
    The world is looking toward organizations for social responsibility to contribute to a sustainable environment. Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior for the environment is a voluntary environmental-oriented behavior that is important for organizations’ environmental performance. Based on social learning theory, this study examined the effects of responsible leadership in connection with OCBE by using a sample of 520 employees in the manufacturing and service sectors in China including engine manufacturing, petroleum plants, banking, and insurance sector organizations. Further, the roles of psychological (...)
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    Managing disagreement through yes, but… constructions: An argumentative analysis.Paula Castro, Marcin Lewiński, Dima Mohammed & Mehmet Ali Uzelgun - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (4):467-484.
    The goal of this study is to examine the argumentative functions of concessive yes, but… constructions. Based on interview transcripts, we examine the ways environmental activists negotiate their agreements and disagreements over climate change through yes, but… constructions. Starting from conversational analyses of such concessive sequences, we develop an account grounded in argumentative discourse analysis, notably pragma-dialectics. The analysis focuses on how in conceding arguments speakers re-present others’ discourse, what types of criticism they exercise through particular sequential patterns and which (...)
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  15. The Holy Qurʼan: with English translation of the Arabic text and commentary according to the version of the holy ahlul-bait: with special notes from Ayatullah Agha Haji Mirza Mahdi Pooya Yazdi on the philosophic aspects of some of the verses.Ahmed Ali & V. S. (eds.) - 1988 - Elmhurst, N.Y.: Tahrike Tarsile Qurʼan.
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    Chand Maqāle-ye Tārīkhi va AdabiChand Maqale-ye Tarikhi va Adabi.Mohammad Ali Jazayery, Naṣr-ol-lāh Falsafi & Nasr-ol-lah Falsafi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):536.
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    İbn Kesîr’in el-Bid'ye ve’n-nih'ye’sinin Siyer Kısmında Bazı Sahîhayn Hadislerini Muhteva Tenkidinin Tahlili.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):303-324.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı İbn Kesîr’in (öl. 774/1373) el-Bidâye ve’n-nihâye isimli tarih çalışmasının siyer bölümünde Sahîhayn hadislerini muhteva açısından tenkidinin araştırılması ve tahlilidir. Çalışmamızın konusu ise İbn Kesîr’in mezkûr eserinde yirmi Sahihayn hadisini Kur’ân-ı Kerîm (3 hadis), akıl (1 hadis), icmâ (1 hadis), sahih hadisler (7 hadis) ve sağlam târihî bilgilere (8 hadis) uygunluk/aykırılık kıstaslarını kullanarak tenkidi ve on dört hadiste izah getiremediği yanlışların birer hata olduğunu kaydetmesidir. İbn Kesîr’in incelenen hadislerin muhteva tenkidine müsait bir hâle gelmesine yol açan râvi tasarruflarına (...)
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    Tecsîm ve Teşbîh İçerdiği İddiasıyla Bişr el-Merīsī Taraftarlarının Tartışma Konusu Yaptığı Bazı Hadisler.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1401-1423.
    Bişr el-Merîsî taraftarları ile Osman ed-Dârimî arasında burada tartışma konusu yapılan hadisler haberî sıfatları konu alan ve müşkil nitelikte olan rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu rivayetleri genelde Bişr el-Merîsî ve taraftarlarının tecsîm ve teşbîh içerdiği iddiasıyla münker kabul ettikleri görülmektedir. Ehl-i re’y özellikleri taşımakla birlikte ilahî sıfatlar konusunda Mu’tezilî bir anlayışa sahip olduklarından tenzih anlayışları gereği sıfatları reddetmektedirler. Yaratılmışlara ait niteliklerin yaratıcıya nisbet edilmesini tenzîh anlayışlarına aykırı gördüklerinden bu tür müşkil rivayetleri ya kendi anlayışları doğrultusunda te’vîl ya da reddettikleri gözlenmektedir. Sert bir (...)
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    Andīshah-i siyāsī-i mutafakkirān-i Musalmān =.ʻAlī Akbar ʻAlīkhānī, Sumayyah Siyāhʹpusht, Mahdī Ṣāliḥī, Saʻīd Raḥīmī, Ḥabīb Ilāh Mihrʹjū, Zahrā Ṣābirī & Sumayyah Taṣdīqī (eds.) - 2011 - Tihrān: Pizhūhishkadah-i Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī va Ijtimāʻī.
    jild-i 1. Az ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Kātib (59 Sh.) tā Abū al-Ḥasan Masʻūdī (336 Sh.) -- jild-i 2. Az Abū al-Ḥasan ʻĀmirī (291 Sh.) tā Abū al-Faz̤l Bayhaqī (465 Sh.) -- jild-i 3. Az Nāṣir Khusraw (383 Sh.) tā Sadīd al-Dīn ʻAwfī (616 Sh.) -- jild-i 4. Az Najm al-Dīn Rāzī (553 Sh.) tā Fakhr al-Muḥaqqiqīn (748 Sh.) -- jild-i 5. Az ʻUbayd Zākānī (670 Sh.) tā Jalāl al-Dīn Sayūṭī (884 Sh.) -- jild-i 6. Az Rūzbihān Khunjī (825 Sh.) tā Shaykh (...)
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  20. The Main Challenges between Dummett and McDowell: On Theories of Meaning and Adequate Descriptions of Speakers' Linguistic Behaviour. (In Persian).Ali Hossein Khani - 2009 - Nameh-YE-Mofid Journal 5 (2):109-126.
    بررسی اصلی‌ترین چالش‌های میان دامت و مک داول در باب نظریة معنا و توصیف مناسب رفتار زبانی .
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  21.  13
    İbn Kesîr’in el-Bid'ye ve’n-nih'ye’sinin Siyer Kısmında Başvurduğu Muhteva Tenkidi Kıstasları ve Gar'bet Tabirini Muhteva Tenkidi Bağlamında Kullanımı.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):27-52.
    İslâmî ilimlerin muhtelif dallarında birçok kıymetli eser vermiş olan İbn Kesir’in (ö. 774/1373) el-Bidâye ve’n-nihâye isimli eserinin siyer bölümü Hz. Peygamber’in (sav) hayatı, şemâili ve mucizelerini geniş bir şekilde ele almaktadır. İbn Kesir bu eserinde hadis ve siyer rivayetlerini titiz bir tenkid sürecinden geçirmiş ve muhtevayla ilgili dikkatini çeken sorunları dile getirmiştir. Bu kapsamda onun Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’e, sahih hadislere ve sünnete, icmâa, akla, dinin temel öğretilerine ve sağlam târihî bilgilere muhalefet, nübüvvet/sahâbe kelamına benzememe, kalabalık bir grubun şahit olduğu bir olayın (...)
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    Mafāhīm tarbīyat al-insān al-jadīd ʻinda Fatḥ Allāh Kūlan wa-mukhrajātuhā al-ʻilmīyah.Sārah ʻAlī al-Wahīdī Ismāʻīl - 2020 - Madīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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  24. Temporal and Counterfactual Possibility.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2008 - Sorites 20:37-42.
    Among philosophers working on modality, there is a common assumption that there is a strong connection between temporal possibility and counterfactual possibility. For example, Sydney Shoemaker 1998, 69 70) writes: It seems to me a general feature of our thought about possibility that how we think that something could have differed from how it in fact is [is] closely related to how we think that the way something is at one time could differ from the way that same thing is (...)
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    Fath al-Rahīm al-Rahmān fī tafsīri āyat “inna Allāha yaʼmuru bil-ʻadli wa al-Ihsān” by Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Muḥammad al-Khaṭīb al-Shirbīnī al-Shāfi’ī a Study and Critical Edition.Zakir Aras - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):619-639.
    This study seeks to investigate the treatise of Abū al-Hasan b. Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Khatīb al-Shirbīnī al- Shāfiʻī (d. after 1028/1619) entitled Fatḥ al-Raḥīm al-Raḥmān fī tafsīr Āyat "inna Allāha yaʼmuru bi al-ʻadl wa al-iḥsān" based on the manuscript of the author. Shedding light on the translation of this unknown scholar, as it is evident from the title of the treatise that it contains the interpretation of this verse, which is well known among scholars and commentators as the most (...)
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  26. Kitābulmilal va alniḥal / tālīf, Abū al-Fatḥ Muḥammad bin ʻAbd al-karīm bin Abī Bakr Aḥmad al-Shahrastānī ; tarjumʻah-i Urdū va muqaddamah, az ʻAlī Muḥsin Ṣiddiqī.Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm Shahrastānī - 2003 - Karācī: Qirt̤ās. Edited by ʻAlī Muḥsin Ṣiddīqī.
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    ʻIvriyut u-meʻever lah: dyoḳan inṭeleḳṭuʼali shel manhig ruḥani be-ʻidan mahapkhani: ha-Rav Yehudah Leʼon Ashkenazi (Maniṭo) 1922-1996: hogeh, mekhanekh ṿe-ish maʻaśheh: Alg'eryah, Tsarfat, YIśraʼel = Hebraism and beyond: an intellectual portrait of a spiritual leader in a revolutionary era, Rabbi Yéhouda Léon Askénazi (Manitou), 1922-1996: thinker, teacher and man of action: Algeria, France, Israel.Yossef Charvit - 2018 - Tel Aviv: Hotsaʼat Idra.
    Dyuḳan inṭeleḳṭuʼali shel manhig ruḥani be-ʻidan mahapkhani. Yehuda leʼon Ashkenazi (Meniṭo) 1922-1996 hogeh, mekhanekh ṿe-ish maʻaśhe.
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    Ali Dede el-Bosnevî’nin el-Kasîdetu’r-Rûhiyye li İbn Sîn' Tercümesi.Mesut Köksoy - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):361-394.
    İslâm felsefesinde en önde gelen âlimlerden biri olan İbn Sînâ ruh üzerine çok sayıda eser te’lif etmiştir. Bu eserlerden biri de Arap edebiyatı açısından da önemli bir yere sahip olan el-Ḳaṣîdetu’l-‘Ayniyyetu’r-Rûḥiyye fî’l-Nefs adlı kasidesidir. İbn Sînâ kasidesine ruhu, yüksek bir konumdan insan bedenine inen bir güvercine benzeterek başlamaktadır. Kasidenin devamında ruhun insan bedeninde yaşadığı tecrübeleri anlattıktan sonra ruhun bedenden ayrılmasına değinmektedir. Kasidenin sonunda nefs-i nâṭıḳanın insan bedenine indirilmesindeki hikmetin ne olduğunu sorgulamaktadır. Eser üzerine çok sayıda şerh, tercüme ve tahmîs yapılması (...)
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  29.  15
    Ali̇ Balci. The Pkk-Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s Regional Politics During and After the Cold War.Berkan ÖZGÜR - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (1):537-544.
    ABD ve PKK ilişkisi genellikle popüler söylemlerde kendisine yer bulsa da, akademik bir çalışmaya konu olmamıştır. Akademik ilginin kapsamı ABD’nin PKK’yı terör listesine koyması ile sınırlı kalmış ve akademik çalışmalarda bu bilgi sıklıkla tekrarlanmıştır. PKK’nın ABD’yi nasıl gördüğü konusu ise PKK’nın Marksist bir terör örgütü olduğu tespitinin anlaşılması noktasında karşımıza çıkmış ve PKK’nın ABD emperyalizmine karşı geliştirdiği söylemin altı çizilmiştir. Bu dolaylı değinmelere rağmen, PKK’nın ABD’ye yönelik yaklaşımı detaylı bir çalışmaya konu olmadığı gibi bu yaklaşımın PKK için neden merkezi bir (...)
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    İb'diyye’ye Nispeti Tartışmalı Olan Fırkalar.Kamil Ruhi Albayrak - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):380-405.
    İslam tarihinde Müslüman topluluk içinde ilk fikrî ve fiilî anlaşmazlıklar Hz. Peygamberin (s.a.v.) vefatının ardından başlamış daha sonra Hz. Osman ve ardından Hz. Ali döneminde olayların büyümesiyle Hâricîlik mezhebi tarih sahnesine çıkmıştır. Sıffîn savaşını bitirmeyi ve Müslümanlar arasında barışı temin etmeyi hedefleyen Tahkîm olayı başka bir ayrılıkla neticelenmiş, Kur’ân’ı-Kerîm’in hükümlerine uyulmadığı gerekçesiyle Müslüman topluluktan büyük bir grup ayrılarak Nehrevan’a çekilmiştir. Çoğu taşradan gelmiş, eğitim seviyesi düşük askerlerinden oluşan ve daha sonra Hâricîler diye isimlendirilen bu grup, kendi içlerinde de anlaşamamış pek (...)
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    A Mu‘tazilite Critique of “Ta‘yēen by Naṣṣ”: The Case of Rukn al-Dīn Abū Ṭāhir al- Ṭuraythīthī.Özkan Şimşek - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):446-446.
    This study is an attempt toexamine the critiques of Mu‘tazilites in general and Rukn al-Dīn Abū Ṭāhir al- Ṭuraythīthī in particular, of “ta’yēen by naṣṣ”(appointment by text or direct proclamation) which has long been discussedwithin the intellectual history of Islam. The concept of ta’yēen by nass is a case which has been attemptedto be grounded on the basis of Qur’ān and Ḥadith. Although it is thought to bepeculiar to the Shiite circles, it has also been expressed in some Sunnischools as (...)
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    Mûs' İznikī’nin Tercüme Ettiği Tefsirler ve Sürûrî’ye İsnat Edilen Tefsirin Gerçekliği.Murat Kaya - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):449-466.
    Geçmişte yazılan ve kütüphanelerimizde çoğu yazma hâlinde duran pek çok ilmî eserin isim, müellif ve mütercimlerinin tespiti konusunda ciddî hatalar yapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu da bir kısım önemli eserlerin gün yüzüne çıkmasını engelleyerek sahip olduğumuz hazineden gereği gibi istifade etme imkânını elimizden almaktadır. Bu minvalde bazı araştırma ve kütüphane kayıtlarında 15. yüzyıl Osmanlı âlimlerinden Mûsâ İznikī’nin (öl. 838/1434-35 [?]), Ali b. Muhammed el-Hâzin’in (öl. 741/1341) Lübâbü’t-teʾvîl fî meʿâni’t-Tenzîl adlı tefsirini tercüme ettiği bilgisi yer almıştır. Aynı şekilde yine 16. Yüzyılda yaşamış bir (...)
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    Some Findings Regarding the Chain of Narrators (Sanad) and Textual Content (Matn) Evaluation of the Reports About the Barking of Hawaab Dogs.Mücahit Yüksel - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):5-21.
    ʻAlī b. Abī Tālib (d. 40/661), who took over the caliphate duty in a troubled environment after the murder of ʻUthmān b. ʻAffān (d. 35/656), first faced with the demands that the murderers of his murdered predecessor be punished. Although Hazrat ʻAlī himself was of the same opinion, he wanted to ensure public order in the city first. However, the Companions of the Prophet (aṣ-ṣaḥābah) like Zubayr b. al-ʻAwwām (d. 36/656) and Ṭalḥa b. ʿUbaydallāh (d. 36/656), who were not convinced (...)
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    Iran and Its Boundaries in Challenging with Foreign Relation (1789-1836).Jafar Aghazadeh, Morteza Dehgan Nezhad & Asgr Mahmud Abade - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (2):p159.
    From ancient times, Iran’s boundaries were formed by Iranian kings’ struggles. From that time, an imagination about these boundaries was formed in Iranian minds and has been continued until now. So, one of the important duties of Iranian kings was to expand Iran’s boundaries to that of ancient times. The aim of this research is to investigate Iran’s relations with European countries and the role of these relations in forming the Iran’s boundaries from 1789 to 1828. In this research, a (...)
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  35.  24
    Resm-i Osm'nî K'ideleri Bağlamında TMSK E. H. 2 Nr. Mushaf.Fatih Cankurt - 2022 - Atebe 8:233-263.
    Kur’ân-ı Kerîm kelimelerinin yazım özelliklerini inceleyen ilim dalına resm-i mushaf /resm-i Osmânî adı verilmektedir. Bu ilme, Hz. Osman’ın (ö. 35/656) halifelik devrinde (644-656), dönemin fasih Arapça kaidelerine göre yazım esas alınmak sûretiyle gerçekleştirilen mushaf istinsah faaliyeti kaynaklık etmektedir. Sahabe eliyle gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada kullanılan imlanın, sonraki dönemlerde yazılan mushaflarda esas alındığı kabul edilmektedir. Bugün Hz. Osman himayesinde imla edildiği kesin olarak bilinen bir mushaf mevcut değildir. Bu yüzden Hz. Osman mushaflarındaki yazım şekillerine ait detaylar ancak hicrî 3-4. asırlarda telif edilmeye (...)
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    İmam zeynulâbi̇dîn’i̇n es-sahîfetu’s-seccâdi̇yye i̇si̇mli̇ eseri̇ etrafinda geli̇şen edebi̇yat.Cumali Çakmak & Abdulhadi Ti̇murtaş - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):1-22.
    Şia anlayışında dördüncü imam olarak kabul edilen Ali b. Huseyn Zeynulabidîn’in yazdığı iddia edilen es-Sahifetu’s-Seccadiyye isimli dua konulu eser, Şia âleminde Kur’an-ı Kerîm ve Hz. Ali’ye atf edilen Nehcu’l-Belağa kitabından sonra gelen üçüncü önemli kitaptır. Toplam 54 dua metninden oluşan bu eser, sadece bir dua kitabı olarak ele alınmamış aynı zamanda ahlak, akide, fıkıh, sosyoloji, psikoloji ve edebiyat alanlarına da kaynaklık etmiştir. Eser üzerine onlarca şerh, haşiye, makale, akademik araştırmalar yapılmış ve eser, Türkçe, İngilizce, Farsça, Urduca gibi birçok dile çevrilmiştir. (...)
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    Light upon light: essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering.Gerhard Böwering, Jamal J. Elias & Bilāl Urfahʹlī (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    Light upon Light: Essays in Islamic Thought and History in Honor of Gerhard Bowering brings together studies that explore the richness of Islamic intellectual life in the pre-modern period. Leading scholars around the world present nineteen studies that explore diverse areas of Islamic Studies, in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher: Professor Dr. Gerhard Bowering (Yale University). The volume includes contributions in four main areas: (1) Quran and Early Islam; (2) Sufism, Shiism, and Esotericism; (3) Philosophy; (4) Literature and (...)
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  38. Kitap Kritiği: Kadir Demirci. Zeydiyye ve Hadis. ed. Atilla Atik. Ankara: Gece Akademi, 2019.Mustafa Tanrıverdi - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 61:208-212.
    Son zamanlarda Zeydiyye’ye dair gerek şahıs ve eser, gerekse tarih, yorum ve literatür eksenli çalışmaların dini ilimlerin hemen her bir sahasında kendisini göstermeye başladığı görülmektedir. Türk akademyasının söz konusu geleneği çeşitli yönleriyle ele alması memnuniyet verici bir gelişme olarak görülebilirse de bu doğrultudaki araştırmaların bir yekûn olarak sonraki çalışmalara fikrî kaynaklık teşkil edecek olması, söz konusu çalışmaları daha da önemli hale getirmektedir. Kadir Demirci’nin Zeydiyye’nin hadis anlayışına hasrettiği eseri, bu bakımdan oldukça önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Yazarın Zeydiyye ve Hadis başlıklı (...)
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  39. Doing Well While Doing Bad? CSR in Controversial Industry Sectors.Ye Cai, Hoje Jo & Carrie Pan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):467 - 480.
    In this article, we examine the empirical association between firm value and CSR engagement for firms in sinful industries, such as tobacco, gambling, and alcohol, as well as industries involved with emerging environmental, social, or ethical issues, i.e., weapon, oil, cement, and biotech. We develop and test three hypotheses, the window-dressing hypothesis, the value-enhancement hypothesis, and the value-irrelevance hypothesis. Using an extesive US sample from 1995 to 2009, we find that CSR engagement of firms in controversial industries positively affects firm (...)
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    Influences of Turkism on Azerbaijani Literary Thinking.Sakhavat Azizov & Bahtiyar Aslan - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):122-133.
    The emergence of Turkism in Azerbaijani literature occurred after the rise of literary Turkism in Ottoman Turkey, where it first developed and flourished. Although ideas of Turkification or a return to Turkism, as proposed by Ottoman thinkers, writers, and educators, initially sparked debate, over time these ideas evolved into an ideology and eventually a well-established concept. Unlike political Turkism, literary Turkism gained widespread acceptance among the people through the works of writers and poets, who awakened national feelings and patriotism. The (...)
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    Platão e a mereologia da luz.Edrisi Fernandes - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:143-148.
    Os povos da civilização islâmica clássica viram Platão (Aflātūn, Falāṭūn, Flātūn; raramente Aflāṭus ou Falāṭus) como um dos “sete sábios” ou “mestres de sabedoria” da Grécia, segundo Abū ’l-Fatḥ alShahrastānī (m. em. 1153) no Kitāb al-Milal wa’l-Nihal (“Livro das Seitas e Credos”), ou, conforme Alī ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Qifṭī (m. em 1248) no Kitāb Ikhbar al-‘Ulama‘ bi Akhbar al-Ḥukama’ (“Livro das Notícias dos Eruditos com os Relatos dos Sábios”, mais conhecido como Ta'rikh al-Ḥukama’, “História dos Sábios”), um dos sete “pilares (...)
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    "Examples Are Best Precepts": Readers and Meanings in Seventeenth-Century Poetry.John M. Wallace - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):273-290.
    My title is taken from the frontispiece to Ogilby's translation of Aesop ; since every Renaissance poet believed the statement to be true, let me start with my own example. John Denham's only play, The Sophy, published in August 1642, is a tale about the perils of jealousy. The good prince Mirza, after a miraculous victory over the Turks, returns in glory to his father's court, but leaves it shortly thereafter. In his absense, Haly, the evil courtier, follows a friend's (...)
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    Epistemic–Pragmatist Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: A Comparative Assessment.Ali Barzegar & Daniele Oriti - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (5):1-34.
    In this paper, we investigate similarities and differences between the main neo-Copenhagen (or “epistemic–pragmatist”) interpretations of quantum mechanics, here identified as those defined by the rejection of an ontological nature of the quantum states and the simultaneous avoidance of hidden variables, while maintaining the quantum formalism unchanged. We argue that there is a single general interpretive framework in which the core claims that the various interpretations in the class are committed to, and which they emphasize to varying degrees, can be (...)
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  44. Higher-order defeat and intellectual responsibility.Ru Ye - 2018 - Synthese 197 (12):5435-5455.
    It’s widely accepted that higher-order defeaters, i.e., evidence that one’s belief is formed in an epistemically defective way, can defeat doxastic justification. However, it’s yet unclear how exactly such kind of defeat happens. Given that many theories of doxastic justification can be understood as fitting the schema of proper basing on propositional justifiers, we might attempt to explain the defeat either by arguing that a higher-order defeater defeats propositional justification or by arguing that it defeats proper basing. It has been (...)
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  45. The Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth Among HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex With Men in Beijing, China: The Mediating Roles of Coping Strategies.Zhi Ye, Lihua Chen & Danhua Lin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Personality and Struggle of B'dîs b. Habbûs, the Leader of the Zirid Dynasty in Al-Andalus.Kadir Erbil - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):95-112.
    In the history of Al-Andalus, Bâdîs b. Habbûs emerges as an influential leader, shining prominently in the mid-11th century as the ruler of the Al-Andalus Zîrî State. Bâdîs, belonging to the Berber Sanhâce tribe, attained a significant position in the political arena through remarkable ascent and leadership skills, establishing himself as a crucial figure in the Al-Andalus region. Throughout history, Sanhâce has been engaged in continuous rivalry with the Zenâte tribe, and the most notable period of these interactions occurred during (...)
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    Institutional interaction in traffic law enforcement in China: Resistance and obedience.Ning Ye - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):451-477.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 216 Seiten: 451-477.
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    Laughters Nurturing Tears for Leaders and Organizations: The Implications of Leader Humor for Leader Workplace Deviance.Ye Li, Yajun Zhang, Lu Lu, Junwei Zhang & Xiuli Sun - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3):603-621.
    Extant research has identified various effects of leader humor on subordinates and work groups. In contrast, less research has explored the influence of leader humor on leaders themselves and leaders’ subsequent behaviors. To address these issues, we drew from ego depletion theory and investigated when and how leader humor impacted leader workplace deviance. We argued that leader humor along with high impression management motive would bring increased ego depletion to leaders themselves and ultimately result in more leader workplace deviance. We (...)
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    Ultimate Reality in Indian Philosophical Systems.Ali Naqi Baqershahi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:5-13.
    The thrust of this article is to give a brief account of the ultimate reality as viewed by Indian philosophical system namely, Vedic philosophy, Upanisads, Buddhism, Jainism and Charvaka. Though the root of this issue is traceable to the Vedic hymns, there are various interpretations of these hymns concerning the nature of ultimate reality, for instance some of the orientalists introduces henotheism as a transitional stage from polytheism to monotheism in Indian philosophy but according to some of the Indian thinkers (...)
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    The spread of Marxism in the early-twentieth century in China.Ye Jiang - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):271-275.
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